Mayor's Office wants your feedback!

March’s neighborhood meeting hosted Brittany Irby, Director of the Office of Neighborhoods and Community Engagement.

Irby is in the process of visiting every district in Davidson County with the following goals:

  • Identifying and building strategic partnerships in the public, private, and non-profit sectors that will improve neighborhoods throughout Davidson County

  • Amplifying neighbors doing the work

  • Being a hub of resources for Nashvillians

  • Identifying projects that can be scaled from one neighborhood across all of Davidson County

  • Listening to our needs and helping us find the resources to get things done

Our neighbors specifically spoke with Irby regarding public transit access, laying more sidewalks, train noise and safety on Swinging Bridge Road, street lights in Rayon City, and traffic calming measures.

Additionally, Irby advocated for members of our community to get involved with Davidson County’s Boards and Commissions to help make broader change in our areas of expertise.

Brittany Irby can be contacted at with your concerns regarding Old Hickory. You can learn more about the Office of Neighborhoods and Community Engagement here.


Nashville Storm Safety


March updates on beautification efforts