Latest updates on Community Center & Dog Park

Update 6/11/24: Metro Parks confirmed meeting with Solomon Builders at the beginning of June. The Community Center contract has been finalized, and Metro Parks will meet with consultants in the coming weeks to map out their schedule with demolition to follow soon.

Dog park consideration at the Community Center has been moved to Phase 2 and will be discussed after Phase 1 is complete. Phase 1 includes the building itself, playgrounds, sports courts, and parking.

As we wait for the official demolition timeline for the Community Center, AC Pullig-Gomez of Metro Parks has provided an update on the status of the proposed dog park in Old Hickory.

Metro Parks is beginning complex conversations with Metro Water about the currently-discussed locations of the dog park: behind the new Community Center, Crooked Branch Park, and the 12th Street Ball Field. Storm water is still a concern they aim to address at Crooked Branch Park.

Additionally, a door-to-door survey will be conducted in regards to the 12th Street proposition. We are awaiting further details regarding this survey and will keep our neighbors posted.


June Business Spotlight


NDOT speaks on traffic calming opportunities