How to submit your street for NDOT Traffic Calming

Traffic calming is an essential tool for improving road safety and enhancing the quality of life in neighborhoods and communities and NDOT’s application process opens soon. Here’s what you need to know about The Village, Rayon City and Lakewood submissions.

Key Information:

NDOTs prioritization is based on the following data:

  • Vulnerable User Crash Survivability and Probability (70%): Vehicular speed, and volume data will be collected by NDOT.

  • Vulnerable User Experience (30%): Traffic speeds often discourage safe use of streets by pedestrians and cyclists. We evaluate the presence of likely nearby trip destinations (schools, parks, etc.), non-driver accommodations (bus routes, lack of sidewalks, etc.), and vulnerable user injury/fatalities as prioritization data in this category.

By implementing various traffic calming measures, such as speed bumps, chicanes, and narrowed streets, local authorities can effectively reduce the speed of vehicles and create safer environments for pedestrians and cyclists.

Lastly, we are so happy our submission for Hadley Ave. was accepted as a potential traffic calmed street!! Here’s what happens now:

  • NDOT will put together a plan to present to the community via Zoom link. Residents living on Hadley Ave. will receive a letter reminder. That meeting is currently TBD.

  • If neighbors are unhappy with the presentation, NDOT will put together another plan and present to the community a second time.

  • After the community meetings, Hadley Ave. homeowners and businesses will receive instructions in the mail from NDOT. The postcard contains a QR code to view the plans for their street and cast their vote for or against the department's recommended changes.

  • Street specific online ballots are active for six weeks. Once voting is closed, a two-thirds (66%) supermajority of favorable votes must be received from homeowners who submitted a vote to proceed with the recommended neighborhood street traffic calming project. Only traffic calming strategies that involve placing traffic calming devices within the existing travel lanes will require online balloting.


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